Thursday, January 31, 2008

What to do...............

Well with the Writers Strike going on I have been forced to try new things. So here is a list of the television series I have checked out to see if any are worth watching. I am just going to list them as I think of them so there really is no order of favorite to least favorite.

1. "Firefly". SCIFI/WESTERN. Great show with great writing. If there ever was a show that was cut short this is it. Lasted 14 episodes and of those only 11 were aired. I would highly recommend to anyone who likes to watch tv.

2. "The West Wing". DRAMA. Well after watching Studio 60 last year and liking it. I decided to check out Sorkin's earlier work. It is a great show I watched the first two seasons in almost one sitting. I am excited to watch this show every time I get a chance. Also recommended to all television fans.

3. "Six Feet Under". DRAMEDY? Well this show is a really dark show. But it is written extremely well. But I can only take so much of it at a time. So I would recommend to check out but this show is not for everyone.

4. "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" SCIFI. I liked Firefly so much that I wanted to check out Joss Whedon's earlier work.(Created FIREFLY). But this was just hard to take the acting was horrendous. It was so bad I couldn't make it out of the pilot episode. I couldn't tell about the writing but I will give Whedon the benefit of the doubt. I would not recommend.

5. "LOST". DRAMA? I watched the pilot of this show and just loved it. The story telling in it was just fascinating. I am waiting for it to come up on my netflix so I can watch more of it. I would definitely recommend the Pilot at least cause I have not seen anymore of it.

6. "Dexter". CRIME DRAMA? Well you see Dexter is a serial killer. But he is also a crime scene investigator. This show is well written and as I have only seen the pilot I would definitely check it out again. Also CBS is going to start airing the early seasons in Mid February. Recommend unless you are queasy because while they don't show all of the killing there is quite a bit of blood.

Well that is all I can think of at the moment. If I think of any later I might just add them. For now this list is complete.


Anonymous said...

You forgot The Waltons

william of e said...

I don't think I watched the Waltons.